Chances are high that, if you are reading this page, you are under pressure to get results. Trying to
figure out how to get your team to land the change demanded by your senior colleagues and shareholders,
while at the same time coping with the relentless pressure to do more with less, back-to-back
meetings — oh and also doing the leadership job.
Sometimes it probably feels a bit lonely too. When did you last have a full one-to-one with your
boss? Getting air time with people that matter seems like an impossibility. Almost as
impossible as navigating the conflicting agendas created by cross-functional demands
and matrix structures.
Influential Leadership
If this is resonating with you, we think you've come to the right place. We believe
that the best way to manage all of these competing demands is to become more influential. We believe
that, as a leader, being able to influence more effectively will help you to...
- Gain clarity on what's important and identify a compelling course of action.
- Make rapid progress on cutting through the conflicting agendas.
- Drive through decisions which implement quickly.
- Make sense of the strategic priorities and focus on the people who matter most.
- Enlist the support of stakeholders to overcome obstacles and tackle tough issues.
- Delegate influence and make it a team task.
Options for Leaders
There are a variety of ways we can help...
- Engage us as your personal Influence Coach.
- Share details of workshop offering to your Leadership Development/HR people so we can run our
specialist Influence Training in your organisation.
- Subscribe to the Gautrey Influence Programme, which provide online and offline materials,
diagnostics and resources to enable you to develop your skills and influence.
- Get regular insights on influence by subscribing to Colin's
Influence Blog.
- Call us to discuss the options.
So, if you need to talk about how to develop as a leader, or wish to
develop other people in your organisation,
be sure to give us a call.
+44 (0) 20 7788 7647 | Contact Us
We'd love to hear what you think about this. Please email us or visit us on
Posted on 01-Nov-2012 by Colin Gautrey |