The Personal Power Diagnostic
Power is the capacity to influence, to get others to do what you want them to do. The sources of this
capacity vary from individual to individual.
Imagine asking somebody to do something for you. Why should they do it? Their decision will be heavily influenced
by the dynamics of power (at a subconscious level) between you and others who are trying to get them to
do different things. Developing greater Personal Power will enable you to swing the decisions towards you.
The Personal Power Diagnostic is a simple questionnaire which you can complete within 5 minutes. The report
will be available immediately (or given out at your training course) along with all additional information and
guides. The diagnostic will help you to learn...
- How power works in relationships.
- Where your power is currently focused.
- Ten different types of power which can achieve influence.
- Your own personal hierarchy of power sources.
- Simple and easy ways to develop each source of power.
- How to become more powerful and influential and get more of what you want.
Please note that to gain maximum benefit from this questionnaire, using the output with a coach or trainer will
provide you with more feedback and development. If you do not have a coach, we can find you one who has
experience of using this diagnostic.
Client Reactions
- "What surprised me was just how reliant I can become on just one or two power sources. This
has helped me to realise that there is much more I can be doing to exert more power and influence."
- "It was very quick and easy to do, and the results have been very thought provoking."
- "I've done lots of reading before on power, but this is a refreshing perspective, and much
easier to grasp than French and Raven."
- "The information supporting the diagnostic has been very helpful."
- "This has helped me to realise that there is much more I can be doing to exert more power and influence."
- "I really liked the development suggestions — much easier than I expected!"
Gaining Access
The Personal Power Diagnostic is available online. Use the box on the left to purchase your access.
Alternatively, if you have been given access by your organisation or manager, please use the link they
gave you.
Using the Diagnostic with Others
This questionnaire is available to coaches, trainers and managers. Please contact
us to find out more.
Additional Product Facts
Here is the small print associated with this product...
- You are purchasing access to the Personal Power Diagnostic for 12 months.
We'd love to hear what you think about this. . Please email us or post on our
Published 21-Aug-2012 by Colin Gautrey |